Founders of MUSEA: Center for Intentional Creativity®
Shiloh Sophia and Jonathan McCloud 

She is an artist and writer. He is a chef and sommelier. Together they are business owners and operators across a spectrum of interests. The pair joined their creative forces in 2013 with events in the Bay Area and around the world, now serving tens of thousands of clients with a philosophy and lifestyle concept they call Intentional Creativity®. The brand that serves all these interests is named “Musea”, Latin for multiple museums.  

About Shiloh Sophia -

Curate & Founder

Shiloh Sophia TEMPO Teaching in Studio 2023

Shiloh Sophia lives life as a great adventure! A renaissance woman who communicates her philosophy through painting, storytelling, and illustrations. For 25 years she has dedicated her soul work to the practice of creativity as a path of transformation and consciousness. As a gallery owner, she has represented her own work, as well as hundreds of women artists.

Her paintings are widely collected around the world and she achieved incredible success with her fine art and books by the age of 40. Her intuitive painting process led to a desire to teach and serve. Her contemplative approach provided groundbreaking research on how Intentional Creativity® gives voice to the soul. Her message of ‘creating with intention’ has reached tens of thousands, and for some programs, she reaches upwards of 500 enrolled students online per month.  

Her devotion to sacred art-making and specifically medicine painting and metacognitive drawing is a personal spiritual practice. Her relationship with the feminine Divine and specifically Mother Mary and Magdalene has deeply influenced her work, having painted over one hundred images of Madonnas, many of which are used in the Mother Mary Deck published by Blue Angel. She is trained as a Reverend and leads circles for women to explore their relationship with making sacred art.  

Her work is taught in university MA and Ph.D. programs, at the United Nations, and by over 300 Intentional Creativity® Teachers and Coaches worldwide. At the core of her work is a belief that the right to self-express is one of the most basic human rights. Her research dives into the exploration of the right/left brain connection with the heart and body as well as how image and language inform consciousness.  

She is the creator of over seven illustrated books and journals and is currently working on a series of mythic novels as well as an inspirational deck. Having been trained by her mother Caron McCloud the poet, and Sue Hoya Sellars the artist, she brought her gifts of language and image into form. To her students, she offers the gift of a 'creative lineage’ rich with a community of culture, practice, process, and teachings.  

To honor the lineage, she and Jonathan co-founded MUSEA: Center for Intentional Creativity®, where she is the Curator of a visionary art collection. They provide education at their campus and in their global online classroom. She can be found most days having tea with her muses, discussing quantum physics, and celebrating revelations of the heart. 

Shiloh Sophia McCloud

Shiloh Sophia McCloud In Studio for 2023 GOLDMIND Training

A call to Creatives, Educators, Healers, Dreamers, and Entrepreneurs riding the creative edge:  

Shiloh Sophia works with beloveds in her community to bring the Intentional Creativity process into their lives and projects. Her work with image and language paired with the intelligence of the heart is relevant and taught in many fields including Innovative Leadership, Corporate Teamwork, Group Process, Therapeutic Healing, and Academia. As well as in hospitals, prisons, social work settings, and clinics. Shiloh and her team of over 300 teachers around the world bring Intentional Creativity as a tool for exploration and innovation.  

Curating how we think, feel, access and act creates the future we are co-creating. In response to the question, does someone have to be creative to experience benefits from Intentional Creativity, she replies: "Every bone in our body is a creative bone. Everything we do IS creative, we just aren't thinking about it in that way. When we approach all that we create with this level of mindfulness, our life begins to transform before our eyes."  

After working with thousands of people on how creativity can catalyze our consciousness, her body of work lives in the Intentional Creativity Curriculum through the Color of Woman: Intentional Creativity Teacher Training and the 501c3 founded by her and her husband, Jonathan McCloud.

Read about Shiloh Sophia's Curriculum Vitae
Photo taken in 2019 while Shiloh was filming a teaching in her 13 moon painting course Anthropas

Shiloh filming 13 moon painting course curriculum for Anthropas 2019

My teacher is a stand-up painting poetess who lives with Intentional Creativity. Shiloh Sophia shares her passions in beautiful ways. Her visions bring images of the Divine Feminine spreading all over our world. Stardust trails from her into caves and boos and crannies. When she preaches, Sophia's wisdom is on parade. In sacred marriage she brings alchemy. She is a catalyst for others to find their voices using the elements. She drums and rattles to shake things up. She honors the ancestors and refuses to accept any system that doesn’t serve up love for the women as well as the rocks and trees and bees and birds and the All That Is. She is Quantum.

~ Flamingo Gypsy 2022

Shiloh Sophia is the real deal. She shows up as herself. She boldly claims her truth. Her teaching is wildly transformational. I'm blown away by how she gifts the world with her feminine wisdom, and her process of Intentional Creativity and then, empowers others to take what she has given and share it with the world. Shiloh has stretched me over and over to keep questioning, going further, and digging deeper. She gives structure and frees beyond the structure. She guides with compassion, care, and radical grace, a beautiful way to be led. My gratitude runs deep for the gift of Shiloh! She has given me the tools to recover my voice, claims myself as an artist, and honor the feminine on my daily path. Because of her, creativity and sacred vision are threaded through all!

~Ally Markotich, Intentional Creativity Teacher

Some of the many hats worn by Shiloh Sophia...

Jonathan McCloud

Image of Jonathan McCloud

Jonathan McCloud is CTO, Resident Scholar, and Chef of Musea Center for Intentional Creativity and Museum, who is a poet and artist at heart.

He hails from a small town in West Virginia. Centered in the heart of Appalachia, he holds a deep understanding of nature and traditional medicines and ways.

He spent two tours deployed with the US Air Force and retired from service because of injuries received in conflict. He was swept into the glamor and gastronomy of the food world and worked for top chefs around the globe serving fine cuisine. He has owned several restaurants in Dallas and Las Vegas over the years. He earned two baccalaureate degrees with honors in business and a Master's in Philosophy and is currently enrolled as a Doctoral Student. He also holds a certification in Phytobiology from Cornell University.  

After nearly 30 years of developing his career in hospitality, he changed his life path to take up life as an artist, photographer, and poet, as well as working for Burning Man, Couch Surfing, and more in the artistic, digital, and business startup realms.  

Described by his colleagues as an alchemist, Chef McCloud co-founded the not-for-profit Intentional Creativity Foundation, which prepares cuisine for participants worldwide with his culinary genius and winemaking.

Chef McCloud has found a deep relationship with nutrition, as he is a survivor of Kidney Cancer. He cites it as one of the most significant factors in recovery and remission. What once was a passion is now an imperative.