Cultivate Resiliency by Awakening your 13 Soul Powers within

Using Painting + Movement + Meditation + Muse + Science

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Join us for an Intentional Creativity® Foundations Seminar 

Available On-Demand.
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Global Broadcast from MUSEA Center in Sonoma, California.
Originally recorded April 13 and 14, 2024

We want everyone who needs this to have access to this content. So, we are offering True Colors at a VERY special price!

Usually $295, now at 50% scholarship savings

$150 Tuition or Two payments of $80

Guided by Founders of MUSEA: Center for Intentional Creativity,

Curate Shiloh Sophia and Jonathan McCloud

During our time together you will experience:


Call in the Change YOU are Seeking in 2 potent days through awakening and gaining access to your 13 Soul Powers.


Access your inner world and establish direction communication with your internal voice so that you can create clarity and release negative self-talk.


Play with the MUSE and see what your mind, body, spirit, and soul are ready to communicate through you in image, language, and story. This is done through a step by step painting process that anyone can do - no experience needed.


Our TRUE COLORS Process is designed SPECIFICALLY to repair the relationship of the Spirit and Body within the context of Soul.


Open to all genders or non-conforming, Ages 13+, only 1 ticket per household.

Register Today!

Introduction and

Message from Shiloh Sophia

Hi, I'm Shiloh Sophia, and this is my husband, Jonathan. We are community educators and artists who have spent our lives in service. As an artist educator, I teach something called Intentional Creativity. Jonathan is a Veteran, chef, and apothecarian and teaches others to mend from PTSD and begin to thrive. We have been gathering some skills about alchemizing suffering and want to share them with you.

We work with thousands of people per month to bring gifts to heal human suffering that we KNOW work. Over the past ten years, we have developed offerings like this one to support our community in healing through Intentional Art. We are on a mission to bring this knowledge to the world to learn and study a new approach to resiliency. We can't wait to share it with you.

In these times, our bodies, minds, and spirits are struggling with the weightiness of life's circumstances. When we can't process our pain, let alone the pain of others, we can feel helpless or useless or as if we don't know what it is all about or why we are here.

We have to create ourselves and curate our experience, or it will feel helpless or useless or consistently feel like life is happening TO US instead of through us.

Truly, it gives us joy to share it with you.

What if we told you we could work together to improve your relationship during troubling times by giving you greater access to your inner world?

Would you BE ALL IN?

If the answer is YES, then join us for...

Circle Graphic

Imagination + Neuroscience + Ritual + Self-Expression + Identity + Mindfulness + Movement + Amusement + Spirit = Soma Repair


Call in the Change You Seek

Every single human has access to Soul Powers. Soul Powers become available WHEN someone becomes conscious and can work with the Spirit and Body connection. Our Spirit and Body are already connected, yet we can benefit from a devoted experience to repair our awareness of how the coordinates can work. There is certainty to be found in how we can help and heal, starting with ourselves.

We want to share this experience with you.

We called this experience True Colors because of this one BIG JUICY reason: Healing yourself asks you to be the MOST YOU that you can possibly be.

When this occurs through self-expression, your true colors can shine and show you the way forward. AND You can then have the presence to see the True Colors in other people.

Showing up does not mean perfection, genius, or having all your stuff in a pile. Showing up means 'as-is'. However, 'as-is' means you don't fake it through the hard times; it simply means you are courageous enough to hold space with someone as they come through their own experience.

Intentional Creativity isn't about making good art or being an artist; it is about self-expression, which is about releasing trapped energy and inviting space for inspiration.

In our workshops, we invite both hemispheres of the brain to dance together to fire and wire toward new potentials not previously seen. Our imagination is one of the most under-utilized resiliency tools innate to humans. Each participant will visit their SOUL SPACE to explore the Field, Flow, and Form, then how it connects with the Collective Past, Future, and Present.

Join us to activate imagination on behalf of healing and possibility. This is a visual of how we will access our own soul space during True Colors...

You with the sad eyes
Don't be discouraged, oh I realize
It's hard to take courage
In a world full of people
You can lose sight of it all
The darkness inside you
Can make you feel so small

I invite you to take a few minutes and watch Ben Waites sing this song. I knew I wanted True Colors by Cyndi Lauper to be my theme song - so I started searching and I found this. I found it so heartening and wanted to share it with you.......

Since 2017, thousands of people worldwide have experienced the phenomenon of working with Intentional Creativity to alchemize pain and become open to innate possibilities. Our Intentional Creativity Foundation is based on 30 years of research within the Intentional Community and 12 years of experience creating courageous virtual experiences designed for transformation, action, and integration into your day-to-day experience of life.


Begin a beautiful repair of Your Soul-Spirit-Body-Identity Connection through Colorful Self-Expression so that you can inhabit your fullness and live more fully in alignment with your true colors.

Establish a communication channel with your internal voice so that you can create flow state change by CHOICE, moving energy to matter and matter to energy on command.

Move powerfully and completely towards the work you are called to do in THIS lifetime through opening to the storied Soul speaking to you and through you - so that you can stop waiting and start living.

Discover, plan, and take the next steps on your path so that you can chart a course of action that aligns with your highest vision for yourself and your relationship to creation.

We will paint, write, move, draw, pray, do rituals, connect, and finally call in the change you seek. It's time.

Bringing a few things into the light:

  • We must care for the caregiver before, during, and after they serve. Each individual's authenticity, aka 'True Colors', informs the sacred container.
  • We can choose to approach standard ideas in a sacred manner.
  • Each person already has access to healing; we support that availability through self-expression.
  • We see each person as innately whole, not a series of systems but an ecosystem where each part is interconnected with every other part.
  • We need easy, available, and relevant processes to repair the relationship between Spirit and Soma.
  • Those serving need to be healed enough to offer care through first caring for themselves using the tools provided.
  • Ongoing practice is essential for ongoing healing: continuity with community.

NOTE: There is nothing in our approach that conflicts with the standard therapeutic and industry of trauma-informed education.

The Wheel of the 5 M's is part of a larger body of work in the Path of Practice encompassing Intentional Creativity. The core focus of our time together is Making, Meditating, Metacognitiving, and Moving.

These aren't quite how they sound. For example, meditating doesn't mean closing your eyes and humming or blanking out your mind; it is more of a mindfulness practice that engages you in a meditative state.

And the Muse in the middle?

Well ... You will have to join to discover the Muse's role in the journey toward true colors!

The Intentional Creativity® Approach to trauma-inspired education invites the whole human to fully engage in healing: spirit, psyche, body, and field.

Trauma happens everywhere at once. So can healing. The challenge is how do we create an experience in which a BIG level of healing happens all at once - to have the ability to address the BIG level of trauma we are digesting all at once. The timing of moving from 'traumatized' to metabolized is key - that is why we are covering this content in two days altogether.

Intuitive Resilience

Create personal Intuitive Resilience so that you can support yourself and those you love.


Explore raw innate Self-Expression as a go-to in troubling times, having nothing to do with talent.

Somatic Field Condition

Discover the Somatic Field Condition, which teaches how NOT to process the pain of others through the physical body.

Informed Compassion

Practice the Informed Compassion that invites you to learn the difference between your pain and the pain of others.


Being Trauma-Inspired is a feeling. Getting to that feeling and being able to revisit it is about access to knowledge and tools.

Witness the Intentional Creativity Process through the minds and creative work of True Color Student Shares.

"Vitality!!!!!! Yes! Being here, being human. What I have been focusing on from our Temple to Inspire course is an increase in Vitality! I listened to my body, and it told me I couldn’t do what I wanted to do if I was not healthy. I have been tending to my nutrition, movement, and pleasure, which have been showing up in my paintings. My portal to my imagination has been opened! I see all types of creatures, ideas, and other images heading towards the opening to be brought into my creative life and shining on all of me: the me who is strong and ready to greet my guests, the me who feels uncertain sometimes, the parts of me that hurt sometimes, and the parts I sometimes neglect. I am confident in my ability to shine as a teacher!" ~ Deanna Miller 2024 True Colors

"True Colors brought me another level of trusting the process and the Mystery. I surrendered to the flow and felt the shift in my body as the unexpected portal shape became an angel of unlimited possibilities guided by unconditional love, healing my heart and the hearts of anyone in need of healing. The magical thing that happened was the transformation of my relationship with one of my brothers and his wife. We had no contact for a very long time. What brought us back together was the opening of an exhibition with the art of our mother just after completing this painting, and the relationship was so different! This was so unexpected. I’m truly grateful! You never know where an Intentional Creativity painting can take you!" ~ Nona McKinney 2024 True Colors
Title: Warrior of Love and Peace

"I am very new to painting but quickly learned that it didn’t matter for the True Colors workshop to be effective! The process has been transformative for me. I keep watching the replay, and each time, I feel like there’s been another shift, more alignment, more freedom. I am very thankful to have walked out of this process and learned painting techniques at the same time." ~ Melanie Kirkham 2024 True Colors

"As always, I found myself drawn into a journey that took me somewhere completely unexpected. The images evolved from what felt like a mysterious connection with my ancient ancestry. Beginning with the process of guided inquiries, images arose through the layers and formed from the background layers of my painting like magic. It felt so exciting to be led down this mystical path. I became intrigued by the symbol of the bull's head which had simply appeared. I only learned afterward that it was once used as a symbol of generativity, being shaped like the womb, fallopian tubes, and ovaries. I named her "the One Who Sees" because she celebrates the embodiment of the feminine energy and mystery of the animistic connection. It is also the translation of the word shaman, and I also subsequently learned that shamans were originally women. It was as if she was speaking to me about something I needed to know."

~ Susan Bessey 2024 True Colors

"How beautiful to gaze upon the canvas, and feel deep in my bones and in my heart that each stroke of color was created with meaning, expressing the different arcs and curves of my journey! Feeling the holiness and wholeness of the transformative depth and vital importance of mark-making, telling the story across the canvas of life. Avowing I will no longer doubt or withhold my gifts or my voice from the world." ~ Student Krystal Dyan, 2023

Usually $295, now at 50% scholarship.

$150 Tuition or two payments of $80


  • 2-Day True Colors On-Demand Training with a husband-and-wife team that teaches tens of thousands of people globally and at their Sonoma California Studio. This means you can watch it and replay sections as often as you wish for at least a year.
  • Available via HD Livestream to be viewed from your computer or device from the comfort of your own home.
  • Buy one, Get One Per household or company, e.g., A Couple, Parent & 13yrs+ Child, Owner & Employee, Co-Owners, etc. Group or Office rates are available by special arrangement.
  • Earn 1 Continued Educational Unit (CEU) Credit - for MUSEA University students.

All ticket sales go towards creating additional training like this and supporting our half-million dollar-a-year scholarship fund for students who do not have the financial means to attend these events, training, and workshops

*Please review our refund policy prior to purchasing our classes.

Email for any questions.

All students receive access to our Private Group in the iMUSEA app for courageous sharing and discussions. You will be invited to share photos of your process and be witnessed by fellow students. The group is managed by graduates of Intentional Creativity who are experienced in answering your questions and supporting you through the painting process.

We will paint on canvas with acrylic paints. A simple materials list will be provided upon registration. Do not stress about purchasing materials as you can work with what you've got and purchase inexpensive materials at a local arts and crafts store or online. Going to the art store can be FUN and exciting to pick out your colors and set up a space at home where you can paint!

Photos from MUSEA Center for Intentional Creativity and Consciousness

our Museum and School in Sonoma California

"This weekend changed my life. I quickly became addicted to art as a healing journey which led me to play 100% and become a certified Red Thread artist, guide, and connector to our tribe. In 2022, I connected through Grief to bring reconnection and reparation to our world. I hold Shiloh and Jonathan in heartfelt gratitude for all that you are and all that you do." ~ Student Elizabeth Ellen, 2022

Blooming Together ~ Painting by Shiloh Sophia McCloud August 2023

Intuitive Painting as Access to Your Inner World

Each person's painting experience will be unique to them. Our approach is designed SPECIFICALLY to repair the relationship of the Spirit and Body within the Soul context. The painting process is guided, but your work will be your work. With painting, we can enter a flow state and allow our spirits to let go and soar into new or old territory with a fresh perspective.

"Painting with Intentional Creativity is as potent as it is fun. You get out of the way and let the brush move as it moves, and every time, we are surprised, and often delighted by what gets revealed on the journey" - IC Student.

Our Trauma-Inspired Approach

A Feeling Not a Formula

The truth is that trauma happens all the time. It is part of the human condition. We aren't going to avoid it. So, the question is, how can we evolve the trauma-informed care approach to be immediately accessible to many people - not just organizations, therapists, and the highly trained?

WE ALL need to be able to care for ourselves and then care for others. We need to have the capacity to respond in the moment at our fingertips and be able to act. For us at MUSEA the timing is really important - we want those who study with us to have a kind of readiness so that when the challenges come - we know the first steps.

In TRUE COLORS, we aren't revisiting the past as much or focusing on a specific wound. We offer specific, accessible-in-the-moment tools to you, with an emphasis on the spirit and body relationship. While the seminar is experiential, you can think of it as a tool kit or medicine basket that you can have ready as needed.

We call it trauma-inspired because the curriculum is (literally) inspired by trauma and our research and process in our community. Being INSPIRED to act is often based on a FEELING that might sound something like this:

Let me take care of myself first; I will take two hours for myself and see how I feel. Am I ready to take action?

I know how I can help, where and how I can share, where I am needed, and whether the gifts I am carrying will be useful.

Does the love I have to share feel bigger than my own need to continue processing how I am I feel healed enough to show up?

The call to support others makes me feel like I can do something instead of just sitting here and lamenting. What can I do without compromising myself?

Can I bring my true colors to this situation and call forth the true colors of those I am with?

Being inspired to help heal isn't a formula; it's a feeling. Getting to that feeling and being able to revisit it as needed is part of our goal in the True Colors Training.

Note: Reading this list could be activating (triggering), but we need to go there. The tools we want to share are capable, expandable, and relevant to things we are all experiencing like:

Responding to natural disasters with those near you

Attending to natural yet painful life cycles

Navigating reactions to mass shootings

Hearing bad/hard/ news and managing energy

Frustration with the us vs. them political situations

Attending to Climate change grief to bring hope

Honoring empathic responses and moving into action

Honoring empathic responses and moving into action

Authentic responses to equity challenges

Creating state change with spiraling emotions

PTSD shifts in how we think about it and respond

Shifting recurring image ideations with imagination

Discovering our extinction fears and moving into action

Addressing anger at systems and structures

And others for you to define.

Get an idea of what we are all about here at MUSEA

This section of our invitation is just to give you a sense of the kinds of things we work on in Intentional Creativity®. We rarely come against standard therapeutic approaches; rather, we sometimes innovate by taking one very clear stand. Everyone is creative; creativity is how we have survived all this time, and when we engage with creativity, our capacity to heal increases exponentially.

1. CONTRIBUTING NEW IDEAS ROOTED IN CHOICE to the trauma-inspired paradigm

We want to introduce a few ideas into the standard approaches to elaborate on the creative capacity of each person. For example, if we learn that these are the responses to trauma: fight, flight, freeze, fawning, or flop, it can be quite curious that another CHOICE isn't presented. The common memes and graphics only offer these choices - but there are MORE choices. Let's 'FIND' them and include them so that the next time we experience a trauma ourselves OR are supporting someone with trauma, we KNOW we can find a solution.

TRUE COLORS is about changing the way we think and behave so that we KNOW there are more choices available.

2. Inviting Conscious State Change

For over ten years we have been guiding thousands of women and their families to work with Intentional Creativity to change their minds, create conscious state change and discover new ways of working with old stories. We have provided thousands of experiences and processes that invite people to engage with how they experience their lives through empowered actions.

In the TRUE COLORS Training we will be teaching a state change that is focuses on a step-by-step process that builds resiliency - note the word, ACTION, which is the self-expression part inherent in all of our process.

3. Intentional Creativity with Kids

This is an example of a process we do with kids; we are sharing this so you can get an idea of just how simple this can be and how anyone can be a part of supporting others with just ideas, pen, paper, and inspiration to care.

4. Integrating the Brain Hemispheres

Intentional Creativity works with both hemispheres of the brain, inviting integration through movement, meditation, and metacognitive drawing. The corpus callosum is a large bundle of more than 200 million myelinated nerve fibers that connect the two brain hemispheres, granting access to communication between the right and left sides of the brain. Communication between both sides lets us make choices informed by our true colors.

"Everything we are navigating is touched by our relationship to it. If we can learn to choose our relationship to what is happening around us then we can author change in our lives." ~ Jonathan McCloud

Watch this video to experience co-teachers Shiloh Sophia and Jonathan McCloud as they candidly share about the inspiration for another class they teach, Apothecary.

Here at Musea, we journey together for access to our inner world. Often, we need a pause from the outer world to tune into our inner self, which we like to call the Muse!

These past four years have left many of us wondering where we fit in with a world that has drastically changed. With all we see on social media and the news, fear can be louder than our own intuition.

Do you often feel disconnected from your own inner knowing?

Are you able to trust yourself over all the noise happening around you?

With the pandemic and lockdowns, what used to feel like your sacred creative space may leave you feeling unconsciously or consciously confined. How can we reclaim our personal sanctuary and rediscover our creative flow?

The Answer: Creativity is the antidote to fear. By going deeper with your muse you unlock a new level of self-awareness to decisions that feel aligned for YOU.

This is step by step but allows space for experimentation. What sets us apart is the Intentional Creativity Method® we've practiced with tens of thousands of students. We gather and practice for wisdom, healing, and transformation from the inside out.

Creativity calms the nervous system, reminding us that it's safe to come out again. When you take a class with MUSEA, you are connected to a global circle of people working with you from their studios and living rooms worldwide! These people boldly rediscover their purpose of serving the great unfolding alongside you.

What you create will blow you away and likely change your life (seriously).

No art experience is required, yet all levels of experience are welcome!

Our philosophy is rooted in the idea that we are all capable of healing. That healing is an experience that we choose within given mediums, people, and times. That choosing a way to express what is hidden inside reveals the true colors within. Tools like this can and should be available to everyone as a Path of Practice, meaning a regular devotional commitment to your healing, will CHANGE the life you live and how you live it. And most of all, your best life is the one where you get to share your true colors.

Here are a few of the things we will be doing together - but it requires NO creative SKILL - please believe and come with an open heart. Art is not the focus; it is the pathway.




What MUSEA students are saying

"I loved this process. It was very healing and transformative, but it was also really fun! I ended up with a painting that really speaks to me and is a beautiful reminder of the truth of my story. I feel that this truly shifted something for me that had been stuck in my energy field since my early childhood, and I am grateful that it has been transformed through this alchemical process." ~ Myrna

"What a wild ride this has been. It was such a great experience on so many levels and I would do it all over again! I just loved every single bit of it! Truly transformational." ~ Anja Kersten

"Apothecary helped me to see that I had settled into a path that was not fulfilling on a spiritual and emotional level for me and the direction I need to be moving in" ~ Jennifer Whirlow

"PTSD is so real and people do not want to confront it, nor deal with it. This course brings it to the forefront in a pleasant, releasing way. Thank you!" ~ Gina "Aussie" Milinovich

"I wanted to try to express my deepest gratitude for this community. The individual and collective power that is held and witnessed is beyond description. The magic, the quantum mycelium of the red thread. Growing and swelling with love, hope, and joy. I am grateful to the hearts of the stars and back for each of you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!!" ~ Drew

Shift your current worldview. 

We often see the world through the eyes of the tragedies and hardships we have experienced. What if it was possible to view it from an expanded framework? Where you are informed but not hindered by who you have been so far. Self-discovering invites something truly fresh...Experience new access.... The way we work with story is future-forward instead of visiting the traumas of the past.


Intentional Creativity is potent, practical, and powerful for shifting energy and stories. And for reducing and catalyzing suffering and transforming it into something truly useful. Yes, we have the power to do that! Oh, YA Whoop! However, trauma often lives in image-based story. Trying to change the story and how it lives within us, without working with image, often isn't getting the results we need. This is exactly what the process opens: taking the inside thought/idea and bringing it into the form-based domain to make the experience visual. We think it. We create it. We witness it and are changed by it in our brains. It is so elemental and basic, yet understanding how it works, giving process and language to it, changes HOW we can access it and work with it.  

Our beautiful brains process how we ‘see’ and experience life. We will work directly with what we know about how the brain processes and how to shift these patterns. If you wonder why the same stories keep showing up even after years of mental processing in your life and therapy, then perhaps it is time to try a new modality. The issues live in the field of energy and movie-story-memories in your mind and your tissues. We know this can be shifted and we know that you are your own healer, and you are the only one that can shift them. We have tools to take you down that alchemical road to healing. You will experience new insights, innovation, and fresh mojo. Let's just how our thoughts impact our reality, with a paintbrush.

Jonathan McCloud will be teaching alongside Shiloh Sophia & sharing about PTSD and how his stories are translated into gifts and skills. The ideas for these teachings came from his own story following his 7 years in the military as a pararescueman and how he works to transform 'tragedies into remedies' through Intentional Creativity. A soldier. A chef. Poet. Musician. And muse of Shiloh Sophia. 

Here Jonathan McCloud is teaching during the New Orleans Apothecary Workshop.

Apothecary 2018 in New Orleans

Three Bonuses


You will receive access to three special guest video dialogues sessions.

  • Personal medicine with Dr. Lissa Rankin.
  • Energy medicine with Desda Zuckerman, founder of Your Sacred Anatomy.
  • Exploring energy with Lou Reed, founder of Energy Medicine Institute.

Experiences with Men

While many of our courses are intended for women, IC can be a beautiful experience for women and men alike. Here is Jonathan McCloud doing his process in 2019 along with Shiloh Sophia. 

Meet your Hosts

Founders of MUSEA: Intentional Creativity Shiloh Sophia and Jonathan McCloud 

She is an artist and writer. He is a chef and sommelier. They are a husband-and-wife team, business owners, and operators across various interests. The pair joined their creative forces in 2013 with events in the Bay Area and worldwide, now serving thousands of clients with a philosophy and lifestyle concept they call Intentional Creativity® (creating with intention). The brand that serves all these interests is named “Musea”, Latin for multiple museums.  


Many Voices. Many Hands. Many Lands.

MUSEA - Center for Intentional Creativity® is home to an inter-generational and multicultural collective of emerging and experienced creatives, healers, and leaders. The MUSEA community is a global art movement dedicated to self-expression as a method for consciousness and compassion through the arts. The Intentional Creativity Arts Guild of MUSEA-Certified educators and curators offers engaging arts programming across the world co-curating art exhibits and classes.

Our physical campus has been in Northern California since 2000. We offer virtual education across the globe. Learn more about Musea.

About MUSEA University

MUSEA University Powered by Intentional Creativity® ignites a new era of change-makers, healers, visual artists, and thought leaders. It is a private university centering on the visual arts and healing arts that offers educational classes, certifications, and a degree aligned with the field of Intentional Creativity®.

Earn 3 MUSEA University CEU's with the completion of Red Thread Training

CEU stands for continuing education units. It is a numerical way to measure a student’s participation in a continuing educational course. The CEU number is tied to the hours in which the student participates in continuing education class course work towards a degree as a CURATE in the field of Intentional Creativity. Learn more about MUSEA University and the journey towards a CURATE degree.

Chart Your Path and Go at Your Own Pace with MUSEA University!



Our work through Intentional Creativity® aims to support our community in navigating our world with resilience, compassion, and awareness.

MUSEA offers ignites our capacity to awaken to what we haven't been seeing. As we awaken, we begin to heal and transform both ourselves and the collective, and we can step into powerful collaboration with one another across a spectrum of experiences and identities.

We are passionate about women in the arts having their stories and art shared. Many hands, many lands, many voices. We believe that women's voices and images are what is needed to create equality and justice in the systems for humanity. In all areas of Civil Rights, the least represented voice at the table is those of women and people of color. Those who do speak up often do so at their own expense, finding themselves threatened, denounced, and often at the impact of violence.

While no one can truly guarantee a safe space, at MUSEA we are intentional about being a space of invitation for a diversity of women's voices, including the BIWOC (Black, Indigenous, Women Of Color) community. Some of the ways this is accomplished is by having women of color team members supporting our MUSEA Courses and leading ZOOM circles for culturally specific groups.

If you identify as Black, Indigenous or a Woman of Color, you are invited to attend monthly calls as well as join our private group in the iMusea App. To join these calls, you must be a MUSEA Member. Partial scholarships are available.

Our SACRED ECHOES of the WELL MUSEA Membership

for Black, Indigenous, and Women of Color

is guided by Intentional Creativity® Teachers.