Shiloh Sophia with her Mentor, Sue Hoya Sellars. Today's Reading is a myth, based on a true story about a table Sue created.
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Watch The Feast Table of Love
We invite you to enjoy this Book Reading with Musea Curator, Shiloh Sophia as she shares a myth based on a true story of Shiloh Sophia and her teacher, Intentional Creativity Matriarch Sue Hoya Sellars. In reality, Sue made Shiloh a table for her first gallery in Sonoma, called Color of Woman in 2000. This story is inspired by the table and the layers of meaning held within the crafting of the wood, and how an artist cares for the world.
To prepare, you may wish to have a cuppa tea and be in a place where you can be present with us.
Order your very own Copy of THE FEAST TABLE OF LOVE by Shiloh Sophia!
Consider ordering multiple copies as gifts!
MUSEA is a living Museum and School founded in 2000 by partners in life and business, Shiloh Sophia and Jonathan McCloud.
We are a global community of creatives who gather to awaken through Intentional Creativity - the idea that you bring intention, love and awareness to everything you create. This could be a painting, drawing, dancing or any other creative act that calls forth your unique self-expression.
We have a virtual and on-location Museum and Center with our Mothership location based in Sonoma, California. As well as sister locations around the world.
We provide revolutionary education to thousands of people every month who long to discover or reignite their connection with their own creative Muse! This includes complimentary classes, 13 moon painting courses, and trainings to become certified with Intentional Creativity®.
We believe that we are one of the most well-established art movements in the world today, recognizing our Art Matriarchs, Lenore Thomas Straus, Sue Hoya Sellars and Caron McCloud.
About our movement:
About our Founders:
Musea Co-Founders Shiloh Sophia and Jonathan McCloud traveling in Florence Italy, 2018
Shiloh Sophia at her Sonoma Studio as she films the United Archetype Class for Dance of the Critic and the Muse online course.
©2022 MUSEA and Cosmic Cowgirls Collaboration