A Vision for 8 Ceremonies Every Year for 500 Years
Dear One, Just imagining where we might be in 20 generations stretches the eye of the heart to see in the spaces in between the spaces to find an inter-generational quantum commons.
This is your invitation to join us in continuous ceremony
as we travel forward on the path of conscious evolution gathering and sharing story, song and essential wisdoms.
Dear One,
Consider this page a letter from my heart to yours. This is perhaps the most relevant action I have ever taken to gather us. I hope my call catalyzes your call for your own life and that gathering in ceremony with us will enrich your experience as we move into our futures together.
We are held in a faceted matrix of glorious proportion.
Let us remember our place and mend the weave with our Love.
As we move forward, let us bring joy, pleasure, and possibility into our calls for justice and repair.
Join us for the Cura Council, where we practice ceremonies that initiate, advance, and sustain the sacred bond of life.
To know how to mend, we must first awaken both individually and within the context of the "village." The idea of the Cura is about people who care for the soul of the village and provide an innate healing presence to tend to wounds and invoke wonders.
Shiloh Sophia
The Cura Council is a call to honor all life as sacred and to see humans as nature and in collaboration with all of life. This inter-generational project is held within the context of the Wheel of the Year and the Intentional Creativity® Communities.
Guided by Curate Shiloh Sophia
and The Cura Council with honor to our Ancestors and the Stewards of Every Land We Come From and Into.
August 1st, 2024, at 10 - 11:30 AM PT
In addition to the virtual CURA COUNCIL, the CURA - Sonoma Women's Circle has been gathering monthly in Sonoma for two years.
CURA is held at the MUSEA Center for Intentional Creativity, a unique space at 75 Fremont Dr., Sonoma, CA. This is not just a classroom but also a broadcasting studio located in the heart of the Carneros Wine Region, offering a truly inspiring setting for our gatherings!
Our monthly circle and salon are dedicated to women's lives and creative cycles. It is a time to honor our stories, challenges, blessings, creativity, and dreams. Come together to explore where we are in our lives in sacred space. Our rituals will include Meditation and Red Thread Circles curated by Shiloh Sophia.
Join us for circles that include creative journaling, drawing, chocolate, and a cuppa tea or vino with the Muse. We welcome all women aged 21 and above to this inclusive and empowering space.
We meet once a month from 6 -8 PM PT. These circles are BY DONATION. Any funds go towards supporting our staff, comprised largely of women in the arts. Please reach out to support@musea.org for assistance.
Message from Curate Shiloh Sophia, Founder of MUSEA University and the Intentional Creativity® Foundation and Museum
Here I am at Wild Water Creek on Sonoma Mountain. This is a sacred place we are stewarding and being stewarded by that is part of our local watershed. This is the Tribal Territory of the Coast Miwok Peoples. A story is unfolding as we begin to engage with collaborating with the tribe. This land has been used as a 'dumping' ground for hundreds of years and we are a part of mending. Much of the access to Sonoma Mountain, the birth place of creation is privately owned. We are working to have this space be collectively held into the next 7 generations and beyond.
The Cura Council is call from within my Great Work. I have always been headed towards this and many of you have said you are called too! My Great Work is the honoring of the sacredness of all of life through paying attention to the stories Creation is speaking to us all the time; and quite specifically through noticing and honoring space-time as it travels throughout our lives in cycles and seasons. We gather to sing, to paint, to pray, to speak poetry and story, and invite trees to dance with us. We are here to learn from the elements we are in relationship with. We also gather to honor the inter-generational voices of our global community as each one of us accelerates into our futures.
Our ancestors all lived in relationship with creation that honored all life as animated and storied. When we separate ourselves from the ecosystem we arose from, we put ourselves and all of Creation in danger, as is being evidenced right now. But I don't think it has to be this way, or end this way. While we are certainly on a journey towards a big change in life as we know it, what might be possible if a council gathers and begins to awaken ourselves and gather the others?
We are here to journey together and create a future we are a part of co-creating. I was raised in a culture of ritual, ceremony and guardianship. When I prayed, and asked Creator, Creation and the Ancestors who have stewarded me so far - How can I best serve the great unfolding?
The answer: Circle
The form: Ceremony
Intentional Creativity Circle and Guild Gathering in Maui, Hawaii 2018
Ceremony. Continuous Ceremony. Circles upon circles. In person and virtual, a quantum commons. A woven pattern in place and time and space people can depend on throughout their lives. In the age of mounting uncertainty, bring continuity in relationship with the cycles of nature. This is what we have lost and what we must find in order to participate in the Great Unfolding.
Our dates are based in the Wheel of the Year: December 21, February 1, March 21, May 1, June 21, August 1, September 21 and November 1 Every year for 500 years. Add that to your calendar lol! These are based on the pattern of the sun moving throughout the sky in the Wheel of the Year with the Solstices and Equinoxes that our Ancestors have honored since time became time. The 21st dates are the general date of these seasonal cycles of Solstices and Equinoxes and the ones in between, often called Cross-Quarter days by the ancient Celts, we call High Season as they are mid-way between one season and the next and in some traditions the quarter days were the original beginning of the Season. Wherever you live in the world, we welcome you to this circle.
This is a video I created in May of 2023 that can give you a feel for the underlying framework of my approach.
A Vision Informed by Relational Ancestral Storylines
I feel very clear that the inspiration for this vision is informed by my Ancestors. Carmen Baraka, Spirit Warrior, a Native American Elder in our community who walked on in 2022. Carmen says this: "Ceremony, which has been handed down since the beginning of time. It’s like breathing into Grace, into the quantum field. To be in a moment of reverence where you are set free to experience the validity of the true nature of spirit, the sublime nature of beingness. To know you are between worlds, the I am that I am."
While I was praying and asking....I could hear her voice and see the expanse of time move to the 500-year vision from the 100-year vision I have been carrying for the past 18 years. It wasn't something I just invented; it was called forth. This is the extension of the work that Carmen and I created together with our community since 2010.
After the vision, I spent the next few days making the images, the next few weeks making the calendar, and the last few months creating the context and imagery. This message was released on Carmen's birthday, 2.22.
May this work be a blessing and honoring of the Wisdom passed to us here in our community from Carmen Baraka, Sue Hoya Sellars, Caron McCloud, Eden McCloud, Lenore Thomas Straus, Alice Walker and the Intentional Creativity Guild who have walked on.
The Redwood Grove at Musea Center in Sonoma, California, our campus and ranch, kitchen, apothecary, film studio, dorm and inter-generational museum since 2016. We have had physical spaces for people to gather since 1998.
The Cura Council is a Community Collaboration between
Cosmic Cowgirls + MUSEA + Intentional Creativity®Guild
+ Shiloh Sophia Studios + The Intentional Table
Essential questions must be asked to further our mutual evolution with the earth and star. Faceted consciousness which is able to see all sides individually and simultaneously can arise during Ceremony. The journey to becoming conscious begins with energetic emergent inquiry followed by somatic creativity.
Here are three questions you can ask.
I think that hopefulness lives in actions taken one by one to mend our relationship with creation and ourselves in the process. We cannot just say: "it's too late". This is the journey we are on and the first question is:
What part of the unfolding story will I be responsible for?
And the second question is this:
If I say yes to exploring my sacred responsibility, what actions will I take to bring that into life?
And the third question is:
Who will I travel with that I trust enough to explore my part in the Great Unfolding?
Jonathan, my husband foraging at Wild Water Creek for medicine on Sonoma Mountain in June.
Photo by Lynnea Brinkerhoff.
What does Cura mean?
This is where the Cura Council comes in. You are in the right place. Really. If you are called, read on.
The term Cura means to heal, the cure, to care. Our foundation here at The Cura Council is that we can learn to care through actually caring for ourselves, our creative process, and community, over time.
Many of us stand at a Living Crossroads calling out to those still in The Numbness, come, eat, drink, nourish, create, and rise into awareness of your own precious life potential in relationship with all of Creation. We need you.
Those of us who Call Out have been given specific messages and medicines. We feel this call so powerfully that we cannot stop the life force coming through. It must flow forth towards the intended destination: Circle.
In the Cura Council we see ourselves as messengers, gatekeepers, and threshold Guardians. This shift in the archetypal framing of your orientation to yourself CHANGES how you live your life and invites you to move in tandem with Creation and the Cycles of Life within our time here in the Milky Way.
For the years 2023-2024 in our 500 year cycle we are focusing our ceremonies on Moons, Skies, Seeds, Earth, Matrice, Water, Star and Fire.
The call has been sounded. Do you hear it? The image above was created in 1999 by Sue Hoya Sellars using my hand as the model. She believes that we are "cooling sacks of stars" both cosmic and earthy - able to inhabit both realms consciously. Spirit and Form. Here, our way to engage is through Ceremony and Intentional Creativity.
Many of us have said yes to the call. Within our yes we get lead to a mythological liminality that leads to authentic invention, invitations arise, instructions are given within, and actions are taken in the physical world that align with the internal messaging. The Cura Council is the action taken from the messages received within my consciousness, within community, and within my relational context of Ancestors and the Living Earth we call home.
The Quantum Commons where the Cura Council Gathers
includes virtual spaces and physical spaces.
For thirty years I have been a guardian of circles, one calling to community and a bringer of a ritualistic art making practice called Intentional Creativity®. I am inviting you to gather with us at the Quantum Commons - which is the term for our virtual space for our 8 Ceremonies a year, as well as a physical place in the lands that steward us in Sonoma California.
The Cura Council is a call to living with intention and mending our relationship with creation: one stone at a time. One tree at a time. One stargazing night at a time. One living ceremony at a time. One by one by one we rematriate our relationship with Creation. Everything that exists is a part of this unfolding story. Every single thing you have ever known and will ever know is speaking this story through us. Will we listen?
This is your Invitation to 8 Gatherings
based on the Turning of the Wheel of the Year
Guided by Curate Shiloh Sophia
and The Cura Council
The Cura Council is a collaboration of practicing students at MUSEA University and past graduates. All of us together adding our voice to a ceremony that says: All life is sacred.
A $400 Per Year Tithe or $33.33 month
Donation Provides You with tons of experiential value
*Note - if you have already registered for The Cura Council, you do not need to again. If you are on the complimentary scholarship level, consider upgrading to a Tithing level.
Gather with people around the world to honor all of Creation in The Cura Council. All traditions are welcome as we come together to honor earth, sun, sky, star, water, plant, our relationship with ourselves and humanity within the Matrice of all of life.
Dream + Dance + Draw + Story + Ritual + Song
+ Red Thread Circle + Global Connection + Conversation + Art Stories and a Community of Creatives
Find New Direction and Inspiration
Many of us are seeking a creative spiritual practice where we can be in tune with ourselves, our self-expression, the natural world and one another. There is so much fragmentation and fear these days. Let's gather in ceremony.
This painting is called We Must Move Into the Future Creating it as We Go and is by Sue Hoya Sellars. The image of the feminine stretching the future out like a loom, while holding within her framework the ancestral feminine is a gorgeous interpretation of the work we are approaching. On the right you can see my birth mother Caron, and earth mother Sue. This photo was taken at our wedding in 2014. They are both now, in their futures.
For tens of thousands of years our ancestors have gathered to honor the changing of the seasons. When we are in tune with natural rhythms, Celestial Cycles, and Elemental Conditions our lives are in great alignment with all of Creation.
We will gather in what we call the "Quantum Commons", a virtual sacred space with people joining from all around the world. We are open to all seekers with heart, who desire earth wisdom, have a love for creation and are desirous of a creative spiritual practice that is common amongst us.
Gather in a creative community in a continuous pattern. This is a Path of Practice that invites you to show up and be a part of a larger framework. Reveal an internal sense of belonging.
Discover a deepening relationship with earth, space, time, the moons and the cycles of the sun through the wheel of the year.
Join us in our acts of Intentional Creativity as we create art, tell stories and share our revelations. With your subscription you will be given painting classes to join us in the experience of medicine painting and metacognitive drawing.
What is ceremony like if I have never been to one?
Ceremony is a fancy word for circle that has structure. Ceremony is a circle, yet it has an intentionality to it that includes ritual and at times a bigger context than circle. Circle may be more casual, while ceremony might have more structure. It all depends on who is leading. Ceremony also indicates there is guidance and may have a theme to explore. Circle, is more about individuals talking while ceremony often has leadership in place offering certain parts. Having said all that - everything applies to both, lol!
Here is a sample Agenda
Opening Song
Teaching on the Theme
Creative Process
Ritual and other Council Members
Sharing in Groups
Closing Song
At MUSEA Center for Intentional Creativity, Love is at the Center. Our University, Sanctuary, Ecosystem, Atelier, Arts Guild and Museum form the foundation for our work in the world.
The Cura Council is part of the branch of our work rooted in our relationship with the ecosystem.
Carmen Baraka Speaks (this was in a letter to Shiloh Sophia and Jonathan a few months before Carmen walked into her future.)
“So this lets me explain what it’s like to be in Circle and Ceremony, which has been handed down since the beginning of time. It’s like breathing into Grace, into the quantum field. To be in a moment of reverence where you are set free to experience the validity of the true nature of spirit, the sublime nature of beingness. To know you are between worlds, the I am that I am. I am most comfortable here in this place of giving and receiving, in this place of quantum identity, where you find out and can feel this realm in a profound way, an actual view that we are all interconnected, an alignment with the stars. When you can actually experience what you feel is your deepest truth, hold it in your hand and have it be tangible, that is the gift that is pure joy, that is the awakening.
When you can hear the stories of the past, the information of the future and the power of the now, understanding that all aspects are in play at all times, this juxtaposition of realities triggers Omni Presence in a way that can be understood. Everything actually isn’t always fleeting, not if you see it as all aspects in play simultaneously. When we can truly understand the depth and breadth, then we can understand that everything that has been and will be, the knowledge of all time, is already within us. We must move through the Corridors – the portals of our timeless mind, body, spirit, the realm of the oneness of creator, of source, the realms of all possibilities.
Native peoples, Indigenous peoples have an understanding of quantum physics and quantum mechanics but just have different language for it. There is no end to the circle, it is actually the everything and the closely concurring nothingness. That place where time and space are moving through you, and you are the observer and the recipient of cosmic favor. Where is the jurisdiction of truth? It’s in the unfolding of the layers of our existence. And how much in this life can you handle, can you allow, can you embrace without fear? Because the opposite of fear is awakening, and so it is!
I used to think it would’ve been nice to meet you earlier in life, but then I realized that this was our agreed upon space-time where we needed to have our circles connect. We called it in, in the way we hoped it would show up when we made that commitment. The agreed frequency is how we find each other. It’s why you are family to me. Because we were once and are now. That is quantum connection. Aho!”
For 30 years, Curate Shiloh Sophia McCloud has been devoted to nurturing the emergence of conscious community through self-expression. She has published 8 books, taught her curriculum at 3 universities, spoken at the United Nations for 8 years, financed over 7 galleries centering on women’s art and has provided millions of dollars of jobs for women around the world centered in the arts. While McCloud is an artist, storyteller and teacher, she is also a futurist who has founded one of the world’s largest global art movements, serving tens of thousands of students per month called Musea Center for Intentional Creativity®.
"Your 500-year vision and the curriculum you have developed are remarkable. What you have created, what you have let the Creator speak through you, adds wisdom and strength to our times. Thank You" - Laurie Marshall
Thank you for joining me for the story this page has been telling and inviting you to....
Photo from a 2023 Gathering at MUSEA: our Museum and School in Sonoma, California
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