Thank you for your interest in The Quickening. Enrollment is now closed. Request to stay informed about when enrollment opens again, as well as invitations to our other Events, Classes and Trainings.
Wise Woman, Matriarch, Spiritual Way-Shower
You Are Invited Into Musea's Five-Month Mystery School for 2025
Applications are closed.
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Musea Curate Shiloh Sophia in her studio.
Dear One,
A heartfelt welcome. I am grateful you have found your way here.
If you are here, I believe it is because you hear the call of your true self seeking to be set free.
Your soul longs to boldy express.
Your mind longs to imagine what's possible.
Your voice longs to speak your truth.
Your hands long to be in service to the times we find ourselves.
You are experiencing The Quickening.
This training can be taken as a certification so that you can teach what you learn, or as just a personal journey. Through filling out the application we can learn more abot what works for you!
Hello! My name is Shiloh Sophia.
I am the founder of the Musea Center of Intentional Creativity® and Consciousness and Curate of our creative spiritual lineage. Our teachings span generations of wise women and it was entrusted to me over 3 decades ago. I want to share it with you.
You were made for these times. No matter how unsettling circumstances feel at this moment in human history, you know that you are called to something bigger than yourself. You are a way-shower of spiritual awakening and the expansion of consciousness.
You are feeling The Quickening because your soul is calling you to birth your truest self right in the middle of your present life. Even if your life and these times may feel uncertain, messy, and stressful. Totally get it, that is WHY I designed this process for us - to cultivate joy and resilence during these times.
The journey of becoming the truest version of yourself and then doing the work you are here to do is not a mental construct; you cannot 'think' your way to this level of transformation. Instead, it requires a hands-and-heart-activated devotional practice that clears the old programming, as it ignites the flame of your authentic voice so you can create a life you can truly celebrate as your own.
No one can do the work for you... you initiate yourself through your active participation in the process, but you don't do it alone.
While much is uncertain right now, MUSEA and our community of healers, teachers, and creatives are constants in the storm. We have only become stronger over the years and have a 500-year plan for thriving as a community. When you choose to join us on the Mothership for this adventure of a lifetime, you will be supported by thousands of women around the globe who are committed to this work.
The Quickening Training is an invitation to a 5-month sacred immersion into rebirthing your authentic self and finding your voice so you can create the life your soul is calling you to. If you have not felt like you've been on your true path, this is your invitation to alter that path to find a new way forward.
We will gather as a spiritual community beginning in January 2025 to do the sacred work of Becoming in collaboration with the Sacred Feminine. Together, we will align with Intentional Creativity's principles of Self-Expression, which is a practice of creative action. Ours is a uniquely potent and fully embodied spiritual practice, resulting in an ecstatic discipline that delivers an accelerated and joy-filled process of personal and collective transformation.
Now is the time to step onto your true path. At Musea, we believe that love must be at the center of all choices. With that love present now, I invite you to apply to apply to join our Mystery School cohort for 2025. Together, we will explore what is possible in your life when you commit your hands and heart and choose to say yes to this call.
What truly brings satisfaction to the embodied soul on its journey is to become more of who you are so you can create a life that is a full expression of the beauty that resides inside. The embodiment practices of Intentional Creativity that you will master in this program will enable you to create your world your way.
Take the step and apply. I look forward to our conversation and to welcoming you personally.
With love,
Curate Shiloh Sophia
Prophetess .::. Priestess .::. Painter .::. Wisdom-Keeper
Reclaiming Your Empowered Voice
The archetype of the Prophetess will support you in accessing your authentic voice. You will communicate and receive the generational wisdom you have carried for life times that is calling to be revealed. Only you know what you know, yet it is woven together with what is happening in the world around us. Set voice free!
Anchoring through Ceremony & Ritual
The archetype of the Priestess guides you to discover how ceremony and ritual are key to the alchemy of heavy into light. We will explore how to create a physical space that can ground your life force, delivering fortitude and focus, especially when circumstances seem dark and murky or you long for sustenance.
Painting the Vision for Your Life Into Being
Painting is the heart of and primary transformational tool within the Intentional Creativity practice. The process of putting brush to canvas enables you to access your soul in a way no other transformational tool can. As you embrace the archetype of Painter, you become your highest and truest self.
Your ownership and expression of your wisdom is vital. It is vital to you and the authentic unfolding of your life, to those you care about - family, friends, community - and to all of humanity.
The Quickening is happening because now is the time for wisdom-keepers to answer the call to bring our sacred work to bear.
Through the archetype of Wisdom-Keeper, you will discover how to confidently bring forth the deep wisdom that is yours to deliver, to engage your sacred work, and to do so gracefully within your "regular life," not as a separate thing pulling on your time.
Together, we will engage in a Vigil of Soul Recovery. You will be supported in embracing a depth of self-care that you've never imagined possible - all while being your most effective, compassionate, and joyful self.
Through community, curriculum, ceremony, drumming, singing, and painting, you can reclaim full access to your wisdom and create joy, peace, and a life worth celebrating.
The Oracle is she who carries the wisdom of past, present, and future, as well as the in-between space that is perpetual and eternal, free from the parameters of time. The Oracle utilizes her Altar for Alchemy to alter the potentials she encounters in the world to align with higher truth, peace, and love.
She is a shape-shifter, dream-walker, revolution-maker, bridge-builder, orator, and communicator. She utilizes Intentional Creativity Consciousness for herself and guides others into the pathway of awareness.
Over our five-month journey of The Quickening, we will center our awareness on the ones who tend the earth, the air, the fire, the water, and stardust—women who walk in companionship with the earth. We will midwife the Quickening of a New Consciousness that is taking place in the world. The Oracle is YOU.
Mystery Schools emerge at the crossroads of intense change like the one we are experiencing now. We are now experiencing the rise of an emergent spiritual path of ancient-future values rooted in intimate ritual.
This is an invitation to an initiation into the Musea Mystery School and its lineage of transformational practice, Intentional Creativity and Consciousness. We are gathering the women who walk between the worlds and have a message to share now.
If that is you, apply, and let's talk.
Musea has served thousands of...
If the Oracle archetypes of the Prophetess, Priestess, and Painter call to you, you are a Wisdom-Keeper experiencing a Quickening of your innate gifts!
Once you fill out the brief application, you will be invited to book a conversation with Shiloh
The Quickening invites you to create a culture within your life as an ecstatic offering of Gratitude, Truth, Awareness, Aliveness, and Freedom. Together, we will set a course for accessing pathways needed to navigate the Great Turning. With unwavering joy buoyed by hope others would say is "unreasonable," yet without spiritual bypassing, you will have the practice and community to consciously and ecstatically create your life by choice.
Living your life as an Ecstatic Offering will include
Intimate Rituals of Self-leadership for Mystics
Accessed through Intentional Creativity Consciousness®
Illuminated .::. Self .::. Expression
Access Deepest Code Rememberings
Body .::. Temple .::. Replenishing
Empower the Stardust Skin You Live In
Ecstatic .::. Soul .::. Recovery
Initiate Wild Fullness of Who You Are and What You See
Welcoming .::. Innate Knowing
Sacred .::. Song .::. Stories
Activate the Truest Voice Within and in the World and Take Action
Each intimate ritual is an act of Personal Revolution. Acts of Personal Revolution become the foundation for Community Transformation and Care for Creation. If you feel called, you are invited to nourish yourself at the deepest root level in the company of a council doing its sacred work.
As healers, intuitives, artists, guides, and coaches - all MYSTICS - we struggle to find footing in our current reality's unfamiliar, chaotic terrain. Who we used to be and how we used to work with others has molted; our snake skins are on the floor, and our feathers are floating in the air. Many of us keep getting further out on the 'fringe' of one circle or another. And those who 'make a living' with their gifts have found that the hustle to share our wares is no longer calling to us when it has become an extractive game.
The SOLUTION is the embodied DEVOTIONAL PRACTICE of INTENTIONAL CREATIVITY. This practice delivers the answers to our most challenging questions, including: How can I be more myself in any given moment?
This is where and when the practices within Intentional Creativity and the Mentorship of Curate Shiloh Sophia come in. Shiloh Sophia, for many years, known as 'The Rev,' is a Priestess working between worlds who has been summoning women into a circle for 30 years. She will invite you to an ancient-future path of practice, yes, a new spiritual paradigm that is not dogmatic, has room for all your kinks, and shows a way forward that is worth traveling. You do not need to travel alone anymore. You will become part of a Council Women Wisdom-Keepers.
At MUSEA, transformation happens through the arts, flow state, neuroscience, and intentional community. We help you connect with what calls you toward what you love. Here, self-leadership is an art, and conscious self-expression guides your journey through inner and outer worlds.
What is your message?
What truth do you have to share?
Self-leadership requires both community and profound practice.
Since 2010, MUSEA has trained over 600 graduates in the healing arts of Intentional Creativity, equipping today’s medicine women with tools for personal and professional growth. Whether for your own personal healing or for working with clients, your medicine matters.
If you feel called to The Quickening, this is your chance to awaken your wisdom through ceremonial action and embody your role as a Wisdom-Keeper. This path offers joy, clarity, and the strength to navigate the Great Turning while staying true to your voice. Your message is in your bones, your dreams, and your discomfort with the world as it is. Now is your time to step forward.
Each initiate will design a path forward to create her life as an Ecstatic Offering.
You must be willing to let go of old habits and expand into new ways of being. In particular, you will be charting a new course based on what is revealed through your creative process.
Will you open to a new life path direction and practice self-leadership?
The Quickening requires daily and weekly practices for the duration of the program. You MUST be willing to devote 8 hours per week to the process.
Accountability and structures are provided that give you the ability to work within even a very busy schedule.
The process of Soul Recovery you will experience means deep spiritual recalibration will be required. You must have done some of your trauma-healing work so that you feel well enough mentally to embark on a vigil of this nature.
You must feel 'healed enough' to say yes to the other two requirements.
Initiates Will:
As Prophetess: Create an Oracle Card Deck for Inspiration
As Priestess: Build Alchemical Altars to Alter the Path
As Painter: Make Visionary Medicine Paintings with Devotion
As Wisdom-Keeper: Put into practice the 5 Steps of Intentional Creativity Consciousness®, so you can live authentic and empowered, bringing the light of your wisdom into the world.
Additional Important Information About the Program
Timing: The Quickening begins January 1 with recorded weekly live gatherings.
Access: The Quickening curriculum and experiences are delivered through digital channels, including the Musea App, Zoom, Livestream, and email.
Investment: Musea’s Certification Trainings deliver far more than financial value—they offer life-changing transformation. These programs guide you to articulate your unique gifts, embody the wisdom-keeper archetype, and create a powerful body of work. But ultimately, you define the focus.
The personal transformation you’ll experience is profound—there’s no going back. Many students have shared how this journey reshaped their lives, setting them on an inspiring new path that looks nothing like the one they left behind.
For over 10 years, we’ve maintained tuition at $6,500. If you pay in full, you will save $1,000, bringing your total investment to $5,500. Flexible financing is also available with our in-house financial aid.
If you’re passionate about this opportunity but need tuition support, let us know in the application. This training is not just an investment in your future and the future of our planet. Don’t miss this chance to answer the call of The Quickening!
The Quickening is an Intentional Creativity Training that offers certification to teach this curriculum or employ it in an existing healing practice.
However, many of our students choose this level of training for their transformational journey. The choice is yours.
You carry unique gifts, stories, and creative codes that the world needs—but first, you must truly understand them yourself.
This isn’t about endlessly thinking, planning, or aligning with the stars. It’s time to transform your path and create a future beyond what you’ve imagined.
Let’s place your broken and half-formed dreams on the altar, release their old energy, and move forward with clarity.
Through hands-on artmaking, you’ll uncover the path to your deepest wisdom. No artistic experience is needed—this isn’t about skill but about bringing your visions into tangible form here and now.
The Quickening is your opportunity to break old patterns and initiate a new, authentic path.
Join the Sisterhood at the Crossroads to reflect on how you want to live, design your future, and reconnect with your body.
Imagine stepping into a flow state through intimate rituals that leave you feeling aligned and empowered.
If you've been searching for a clear sign of what’s next—this is it.
The Quickening is a call to awaken, shed old layers, and step into your intuition and Soul's potential. When the Soul speaks, creativity flows, and art becomes your guide.
Intentional Creativity Processes in Connection with the Oracle Archetypes
You will need space and materials - a detailed list will be provided.
TEACHING WHEEL for a Spiritual Path
The Quickening curriculum is built on a Teaching Wheel designed to provide a solid spiritual foundation rooted in truth and community. With over 30 years of experience, this path fosters care and connection without dogma, making it compatible with nearly any spiritual tradition you follow.
Through the Oracle Archetypes, you’ll gain a personal perspective on the Teaching Wheel and how to integrate it into your journey, shaping a path that works uniquely for you.
Artist, Curator, Author, Teacher
Musican, Healer, Guide, Teacher
Shiloh Sophia's Story:
I was blessed to grow up in a family of women creatives, especially in the good company of my two moms, Sue and Caron. They offered me the context of relationship, story, and being an artist. They were both artists, so naturally, I became one, too.
When I was in my twenties, I left my corporate gig and corporate education to pursue a life of art and ceremony. What happened in that year of mentorship with my moms changed the shape of my life forever. Now, I work with women, sharing the gifts of this work and teaching them to make their lives an offering, too. I look forward to gathering with you.
I am Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Stardust
You are Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Stardust
We are Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Stardust
Do you hear us singing our elements alive?
Won't you join us in the deep-rooted truths?
Our Work Changes Worlds Within and in the World
A Letter to Shiloh Sophia about the last Intentional Creativity Cura Certification called Animystica
Dearest Shiloh Sophia,
Any words I may offer only limit the experience and collapse the potential that is Animystica.
My gratitude is immeasurable.
There is no return to any former version of myself without the concomitant splitting open to reveal Wild Truths extracted from disempowering imposed and exposed lies.
The Magic made manifest through the portals of our paintings cannot be expressed in words. I FEEL it in my BONES.
For all those future Red Thread sisters who may attend…
Do you feel a deep hunger in your bones? An ache to make the connections you know are always there but hidden just under the surface? Do you crave bringing your molting self into the Light with every Revealed layer celebrated? Surrounded and supported by a worldwide sisterhood to witness your becoming?
Animystica provided a lifeline for me through turbulent days and dark nights of the Soul: Each layer of paint a stripping away of lifetimes of lies, beliefs that no longer serve, cultural, and familial and relational restrictions upon my Wild Self. Animystica honors ALL the pieces of me—encourages a re•membering of my essence.
It has not been easy to step into my empowered Self. In fact, it requires discipline and accountability—a safe container and community in which to do the work.
You, Shiloh Sophia, and the Animystica Sisterhood helped me birth my book! Actually, doing all the inner and outer work required in the course pulled me from a tar•pit of immobilizing grief. And to MEET and HUG some of my Red Thread Sisters, and call and respond with the Circle ⭕️… an invaluable gift for life.
Yes. Yes. I have some awesome, awe-inspiring paintings as prized pieces, too—Works filled and brimming over with meaning. And an insatiable desire to share this material and the Intentional Creativity process with all who feel called to the work (and play!)
And YOU. Grace•FULL. Ever•willing to step into the spotlight as a guide to share your wisdom and talents in authentic ways while un•willing to remain centered as a “guru.” Uniquely gifted at a dance of boundaries, pulling us into the inclusive Circle dance while pushing us to create our own circles without you at the center. Important distinctions.
I’ll say it again…
My gratitude is immeasurable.
Thank you, Shiloh Sophia!
If I can ever be of service … I am here.
All my love and light,
~Trace S.