Welcome to your GIFT CLASS for students of LIFE BOOK 2023.
This Class is valued at $295 with priceless wisdom you'll receive from your MUSE!
Shiloh Sophia at her MUSEA Studio in Sonoma, California
See with new eyes... that which has been hidden Hear with new ears... that which has been unspoken
Join us to experience the sacred technology of the Muse!
Muses speak in Myth and Glyph in the land where the wild things are…. Within each one of us, a hidden self awaits awakening. That hidden self speaks in symbols both personal and collective. Most of us don’t know how to get in, past the voices that hold us back. Access is granted through creativity embodied. That which we call the Muse is really access to the hidden self. She is waiting to speak to you…
Muses by Shiloh Sophia
Valued at $295 - No painting experience needed.
Materials: 36x48 minimum canvas, acrylic paint, brushes in a variety of sizes
Questions? Contact our team: support@musea.org
Shiloh Sophia's Midnight Muse 2018
By taking this class you will...
A message from Shiloh Sophia:
Many years ago...over 8 years ago which seems like forever...I recorded my second video series around this idea, Tea with the Muse - attended over the years by thousands of women. I took a peek at it recently and discovered how much had a, and how much had stayed the same. It felt like it was time for a fresher upper, and so this is it.
During our time together I will take you through the core painting steps, and it will be up to you and your muse to spend time together as you bring your painting to completion.
There is no painting experience needed. Just a willingness to get up close and personal with a canvas, acrylic paint and some brushes aka magic wands. Will you dare to join me?
signed with turquoise paint on my fingers,
Materials List
About Intentional Creativity
When we create, in any medium, we enter a co-creative relationship between energy and matter, and a dance begins. When we work with image, word, heart, mind, body and energy we gain access to our greater, often hidden capacity to see, feel, hear, know and act in authentic alignment. ~ Shiloh Sophia
Image and word, together with energy awareness, alchemize stuck patterns and give them an invitation to move along. Then a new space is created in which we can invent from the soul. In this, we also engage in new ways with consciousness.
"During this process, I was having a particularly hard time with the state of our world. Feeling sad and helpless I approached this process. I surrendered to my feelings and let the brush take the lead. What I learned from her is that not all feelings need to be transmuted. Sometimes they just need a place to be and to be recognized for what it is. I feel so much tenderness towards her and see beauty even in her sadness. I found solace in having her look back at me just the way I feel and there’s great medicine in that." - Maasa Craig
Painting: Let It Be
by Lesa Williams
by Annie Sylling
by Sherle Stevens
by Jennifer Magel
by Kara Young
by Milagros Suriano-Rivera
"Painting is self-therapy, rewriting my story, healing old wounds, discovering inner archetypes, keeping my sanity during these wild times, opening up to divine guidance, listening to my soul’s whispers, bathing in silence and colors, active self-love, getting into flow and more."
Sylvia Becker-Hill
"Each encounter with Shiloh Sophia is an infusion of courage that brings me one step further along the road to authentically “knowing” who I am and being willing to share that with others….."
Elizabeth Gibbons
"I was once very creative and never thought those divine doors would open for me again, then along came Shiloh Sophia, she is showing me the way back to the path as it unfolds day by day. I feel so blessed to have found her. Working with her is joyful and powerful on many levels. "
Maria Graham
My Muse is hungry.
Feed her chocolate and red beer.
Give her purple lingerie
trimmed in lavender lace.
Give her quills with gold ink
for goodness sakes.
Don't you know what's at stake?
excerpt from Hungry Muse, by Shiloh Sophia
About Shiloh Sophia:
Shiloh Sophia lives her life as a great adventure guided by her muse. She has explored art as a path of healing and revelation for 25 years through painting, poetry and creative process. Her work has formed a movement and methodology called Intentional Creativity. Her community of teachers often serves upwards of 25K women a month, through revolutionary education online and in person. Her classroom, Musea, is in Northern California where she lives with her husband, Jonathan.
Questions? Contact us at support@musea.org
Midnight Muse Virtual Retreat is presented by Musea in partnership with Cosmic Cowgirls LLC.
MUSEA : Intentional Creativity © 1999-2022