Join Musea Founders, Shiloh Sophia and Jonathan McCloud for a confluence of conscious evolution, heart-based neuroscience, the creative’s influence on matter and the awareness of shaping intersecting fields in community. Open to all!
IMPRENSIVA: 2023 “Quantum Cascade”
A Society for MUSEA Members who are choosing to consciously evolve together.
Imprensiva is an exploration into how Intentional Creativity can become a lifestyle for the individual (you) and your village (whatever that is for you).
A message from Founder, Jonathan McCloud:
“Everyone is creative. It’s our truest survival skill. Innate and instantly available. Intentional Creativity is the domain of the artisan. Intention cannot be contrived, is authentic and immediately impactful. Our perception is the broker of our reality, thus, by applying the principals of Intention to that which we create, design and how we live, we choose to harness the incredible power of choice! We influence reality, as we perceive it and as it in fact, is. What you are considering here is the very nature of your particle self, interacting within fields that you are not the actor in, but the author. Let’s dance in particle and wave together in the quantum cascade... See you there!”
About Imprensiva Salons
Imprensiva is an eccentric café inspired by Leonardo da Vinci’s framework of perception and inquiry. How we can change our minds and gene expression, and therefore matter, based on how our mindswork with energy and our bodies take action in the physical universe.
Each Imprensiva is shaped by the intelligence, curiosity and ‘rascally nature’ of fellow inquirers. * Will you engage? Your membership investment goes directly towards the people who make Musea possible – our global team and the shaping of our museum programming.
Since 2016 Shiloh and Jonathan have been volunteering to create our membership community for the benefit of all. Starting in May of 2020 Shiloh and Jonathan have been offering their gifts through our Society Membership here at Musea every single month.
While recordings are available, you only shape the Imprensiva by attending live and exerting your unique influence on the container we create. Guests will be invited and encouraged to share their expertise in their own fields of practice and experience. Collaboration is a key to more comprehensive learning here at Musea University. And yes, you can now get credit for your Musea Member experiences – WHAT? Right. Cool huh?
Jonathan McCloud has a potent teaching suite for you, on how Intentional Creativity is a chosen pattern interrupt in our default settings that hundreds of our students are already practicing. Jonathan has been working with Shiloh Sophia since 2013 to guide us into grasping the HOW and WHY of the intersection between Intentional Creativity and the somatic sciences. Let’s gather in community to practice implementing your ‘pattern interrupt’ all throughout the year.
We are after all, disruptors and misfits around here – as most artists are!
IC Teachings – Group Discussion – Metacognitive Drawing Process – Scientific “Factoids” to stun the mind-heart into catalyzation.
Shiloh Sophia who has been practicing Intentional Creativity as an approach to art making for close to 30 years will be guiding monthly metacognitive process focused on conscious evolution. On our first January call she will share with you the concept behind the ‘artist’s notebook’ that both Sue Hoya Sellars, and LeoenardodaVinci and many kept. They didn’t have journals – they had ‘notations’ that were parts of larger works. We are inviting our Imprensiva Society members to ‘keep an artist’s notebook’ in 2023.
Leonardo's window to the Soul
Scientific American says this: "In many dozens of medieval and Renaissance manuscripts, we find diagrams in which the sensus communis is depicted in the anterior ventricle, such as Leonardo indicates in this illustration. But Leonardo modified his views in dramatic contrast to the prevailing dogma, transferring the sensus communis to the middle ventricle and now labeling the anterior ventricle imprensiva. The word “imprensiva” is difficult to translate, and no anatomist before or after Leonardo has used this term. It refers to a site for the processing of sensory impressions, in particular visual input.
Leonardo's unique labeling of the ventricles reflects the tremendous importance he accorded to the sense of vision, which he described as the window to the soul and the most important basis of all experience. “the painter's mind must of necessity enter into nature's mind in order to act as an interpreter between nature and art”—and this role primarily involves vision. Unlike any other artist or anatomist, Leonardo equated artistic perception with an anatomical framework for seeing. He believed that once information passed to the senso comune it was judged, and he thought of this function as an inner eye, or occhio tenebroso (“the eye in shadows”)."
Additional Benefits of Imprensiva Society Membership
This membership is designed for our Society Members, Guild Graduates, and students of Musea University. Active participants who successfully submit a 5-page minimum paper at the completion of the year will achieve .5 Academic Credits under the catalog of Musea University.
Imprensiva Society Members also receive all the benefits of our foundational Artist Level membership providing you with opportunities to...
Experience Red Thread Cafe Time with Shiloh and Jonathan. Here is a clip from our very first Imprensiva Society Salon in 2020.
Here are some shares from Imprensiva students after they attended their first Salon with Shiloh Sophia and Jonathan.
"That was fantastic!! You have no idea how exciting and wild it was to see Foucault's concept of biopower be talked about here in IC! My threads are weaving together from a few domains (studied it in grad school). I loved learning about the Mother of Muses being Memory as well. Thank you so much for being you and offering your gifts in helping us to become more self expressed. My heart is overflowing with joy, love & gratitude. ~ S.J.
This was an absolute delight this morning! My mind is still expanding... ~ U.M.
The first Imprensiva Cafe was wonderful. Thank you Shiloh and Jonathan! ~ D.P.
Loving all this expansion and growth of new ideas and offerings! ~M.M.
What a treat!!! And a whole head full of new connections ~ S.B.
Examples of our monthly Zoom Circles.
Red Thread, Color and Creativity are key ingredients!
MEMBERSHIPS are possible through the generosity of our Founders and our Community
All MUSEA memberships are made possible through the Intentional Creativity® Foundation, the Guild and the generosity of our Founders, Shiloh Sophia and Jonathan McCloud.
Musea provides thousands of women every year with complimentary education, scholarships, work and philanthropic co-creation.
By choosing a paid membership option, you help make possible the advancement of virtual museum craft, furthering of women's representation in the arts, and the preservation of the legacy of Intentional Creativity.
Your Museum Membership makes possible so many features of MUSEA that have been beings sponsored complimentary for over ten years
Bringing women’s voices from the 2% in museums to 100%.
Learning from a diversity of voices from with our community
Connecting with the stories of women live from their musea studios around the world
Revolutionay independent media channels, events, interivews
Over 100 hours of complimentary programming for our students
Monthly calls with thousand of women around the world
Elevation of education and leadership for women in the arts
Mending racialized trauma through education and connection.
Providing jobs for women who work from home, Mama and Grandmas
All ages and levels of education coming together for intergenerational healing
Supporting our initiatives on our annual trip to the United Nations
Working together on common causes that we care about
Bringing awareness to what matters to us as women artists
Micro-Funding for women graduates
Tens of thousands of scholarship a year