Create Your World with Your Words
Complimentary 2-Hour Attunement Manifestation Class Online
With Curate Shiloh Sophia

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If you can’t hear your own voice, the voices of others will control your thoughts and your actions. We can change access to your voice within 2 hours

The Co-Creative Reality:
You create your experience of the world around you with how you speak to yourself from your inner world. Whether it is conscious or unconscious, words are beings spoken that impact every single outcome and relationship. You are a Co-Creator, let's activate your powers!

The Unconscious Challenge:
If you are not attuned to your truest voice, then what you create is often the result of internal programming from the past and dominant beliefs by power-over structures. Let's re-pattern the brain, heart, gut, and hands connection in this gifted 2-hour class in community.


Look at the current beliefs you are working with and get a reset of your approach.


A precious technique that can amplify how you see, how you feel and how you create.


Receive an invitation to join us in a deeper discovery of working with Manifestation.

The future is here. What future will you create? It begins with language. If you do not define your language it will be defined for you. But by who?