Jenafer Joy has been working with Intentional Creativity alongside Shiloh Sophia for over 11 years.  In addition to delivering and directing the major Intentional Creativity courses, Jena regularly contributes her powerful journaling practices to support in deepening and integrating the presented materials. With her playful, surprise driven style Jena brings home the theoretical Intentional Creativity concepts.  If you haven't experienced her approach, you will be delighted by the unexpected epiphanies that result from the quick pointed instructions. Get ready for a year of quick playful video nudges, accompanied by good music, to carry you towards your own deep important answers.

Materials (Items in paranthesis are Jena's specific recommendations)

  • Journal with thick paper (Canson XL Mix Media Pads 9×12). We recommend having 2 journals - one for these weekly inquiries and one for your use during Musea Member events.
  • Basic collage supplies: scissors, glue (Elmer's glue stick) plus random magazines or a collage image stash.
  • Watercolor pencils in a short rainbow of colors (Highly recommend "Inktense" from Derwent)
  • Thick Waterproof Pen (Faber-Castell Pitt Artist Pens “B” Brush Nib in Black) You might toss in the (White Sakura Gelly Roll Regular Gel Ink Pen – 0.4 mm) as well.

Inquiry One: What Are You Creating With Your Year?


  • Print or draw the golden square template
  • Ask "What am I creating with this year" and then rip out seven images that feel like answers.
  • Cut the images into the various sizes on the template. Which is largest? Which is the itty bitty one? Trust your intuition and how you decide to trim them.
  • Then use the Answer Key (handout) to translate your images. For instance my man at the piano image tells me "I think I am creating a magnum opus masterpiece" but the pistachios tell me "I am actually creating tasty morsels".
  • Journal on the important information you discovered. What are you creating with the year?
Download the PDF with answer key 

Inquiry Two: What Are You Not Seeing?


  • Open to a double page in your journal and sharpen two watercolor pencils (or pen/cils if that's what you have available).
  • With your non-dominant, begin to doodle a swirly line filling the page. We are all asking "what am I not seeing?" but as you begin drawing, consider whether you want to focus on a specific arena of your life or ask in general.
  • When you're clear, continue the swirling line while you also write your question at the top of the other page. Notice if your brain "gives up" here!
  • Draw a speech balloon to hold the message you're about to receive.
  • Look at your doodles and let a form reveal itself - like looking for shapes in the clouds. Define the shape with a darker line - trusting your choice.
  • Fill in the speech bubble with the message that this form is indicating.
  • Optional - pretty up the picture, refining, activating watercolor with water or adding paint etc.
  • What Action is called for? Take it!

Inquiry Three: Issue + Answer


  • Pull a random magazine page that has words on both sides.
  • Without reading it, fold the page in half and glue to the page.
  • Draw two spots one for question and one for answer.
  • Circle 3 or 4 phrases on the cover that point you towards an issue.
  • Summarize the issue in the question spot.
  • Circle 3 or 4 phrases inside that point you towards an solution
  • Summarize the message in the answer spot
  • What Action is called for? Take it!

Inquiry Four: Release + Open


  • Sharpen two watercolor pencils.
  • With your right hand draw a circle on the right side and label it opening
  • With your left hand draw a circle on the left side and label it releasing
  • Choose either something you are releasing or something you are opening to... OR let chance choose by opening to a random page in a book and pointing boldly.
  • Have your left and right hands "converse" back and forth exploring your topic. Writing a bit with the left then to right then back again. Seeking unexplored ideas. Continue till both pages are full.
  • Based on what came up in the writing, summarize the release and summarize what you're opening to.
  • Finish by dissolving the writing into color by applying water.

Inquiry Five: Something New


  • Grab a pencil
  • Draw a border in your journal and title it with an invitation "Show me something new"
  • Grab an object that is within arm's reach. Trusting your choice.
  • Create a goofy single line drawing of the object: don't lift the pen, letting yourself see it how it is instead of how you think it is.
  • Pair the goofy doodle with a goofy poem using the constraint of the haiku syllable rule. Count 5 syllables, 7 syllables, 5 syllables on your finger.
  • What is new here?

Inquiry Six: Emotional Currents


  • Draw a simple bellshape you in a simple boat
  • With a blue watercolor pencil create the water - writing about the emotional currents in your life right now. Let it flow out in layers.
  • When you've filled the page, release it all by adding water to activate the watercolor. Listening for a core message for this time.
  • Add your message to a little flag on your boat!
  • Fill the boat with practices that you know will help you navigate these waters.
  • Fill the form of you with who you are being asked to be during this time.
  • Activate the writing in the boat and in your form and trust your course!

Inquiry Seven: Musical Flow


  • Take a pencil in each hand and join me in letting the music guide a conversation. For the full song let your hands dance back and forth - first one and then the other. Bringing a gentle neutrality - not forcing but flowing with the music.
  • When the song ends, let each hand take a turn writing a phrase on the page. What arises when you let yourself be carried instead of pushing the waves?

Inquiry Eight: Toxic Mimic


  • What is a habit that you consider an addiction? You don't have to go all the way down - just something that feels off track.
  • Doodle it - cup, phone, donut, whatever you would use to represent it across the split of the page.
  • With your dominant hand write what you love about this habit. Wallowing in it and feeling it.
  • With your non dominant hand write what you don't love. Exploring the subtleties. Noting how it feels in your body, what it costs you.
  • Again with your non dominant hand, let yourself leap to what you really want when you reach for this. What need is this habit failing to satisfy?
  • With dominant hand, write one way you could begin to give yourself what it is that you really want.

Inquiry Nine: Dreaming


  • Choose a recent dream or a surreal dreamline moment in your waking life
  • Doodle an object from the dream to be your focal point
  • Add three overlaping circles for your explorations
  • Fill the middle circle with writing in watercolor pencil of the "factual" details of the dream
  • Fill the second circle with brainstorming about what the dream might mean if it was personal instruction expressly for you
  • Fill the third circle with ideas about what the dream might mean if it was a commentary on what is active in the larger collective experience.
  • Activate the watercolor writing in all the circles - releasing what you have written and listening for two messages
  • Write your "ands" in the overlap spaces.

The following set is designed to be as a series - beginning with the collage creation in Inquiry 10

Inquiry Ten: Opening


  • Create a container for this set of prompts by first drawing four boxes on a left hand page, then ripping out a page and cutting it into 6 cards.
  • Then write "I am open to listening" on the right side and choose a direction for today's collage.
  • Using a random magazine, glue collage images across the page (in whichever direction you chose). Skip the words and just build with photos. We'll be exploring translations in the coming steps, your task here is to surrender into the flow!

continued in inquiry eleven

Inquiry Eleven: Hot Spots


  • Review your listening + longing collage from Inquiry Ten and circle 6 "hot spots"
  • On each of the cards, write a title for the circled imagery.

continued in inquiry twelve

Inquiry Twelve: Symbolic


  • Translate the image in each circle to a simple symbol version of the message on the corresponding card.
  • Add a single color to accent each drawing
  • Note the "last" card (ie the one furthest from where you started your collage). This is your longing card.
  • Translate the longing card into an "I seek" sentence in the top section.

continued in inquiry thirteen

Inquiry Thirteen: Wingmen


  • Draw lines to the two circles that are closest to your "goal"
  • Decorate adjust and activate the associated cards while considering what each image is trying to show you.
  • In the second spot write "My longing looks like" and then write what each of the two circles represents.
  • Finish with a freewrite on the back of your goal card. What new understanding arises based on it's association with these two "wingmen" spots?

to be continued!

Inquiry Fourteen: Trials


  • Draw lines to the next two circles that are closest to your "wingmen"
  • In the third spot write "My Trials include"
  • On the back of each card write a cheater's haiku: just the syllables 5-7-5 and then translate what you understand of the trials. Prepare to be surprised!

completion with inquiry fifteen

Inquiry Fifteen: Begin


  • Review your information so far, noticing any new related information that may be anachronistically arising in your ordinary life.
  • Double check the final circle for any additional images and symbols and then translate it into the final box as your action step.
  • Go ahead and do some free-writing on the back of the card to brainstorm specifics to set this into motion.

Take the action!

Inquiry Sixteen: Let it Out, Let it In

Supplies - two watercolor pencils, blue and bright paint plus card to spread.
Note if you don't have paint, just do the process twice with pencil!


  • Write out the experience of an upsetting moment letting the feelings really pour out of your pencil onto the page. Cover the page in blue paint and repeat the practice of pouring out, this time etching shapes into the paint with the back of your pencil.
  • Write out the experience of a delightful moment letting the feelings really pour in as you recount the details on the page. Cover the page in bright paint and repeat the practice of reliving the juicy details, this time etching the feeling into the paint in shapes.

Made for These Times Series

Inquiry Seventeen: Circle
(Part I of III)

Follow the pen around your physical body, taking stock. How are you really feeling?

Inquiry Eighteen: Surroundings
(Part II of III)

Follow the watercolor pencil with three round of purging and excavating. What surrounds you?

Inquiry Nineteen: Activate
(Part III of III)

Use the magical synchronicity of image to catalyze the missing capacity. Where can you apply this new approach?

Catching Lightning Four Part Series

Inquiry Twenty through Twenty Four


We're going to open this inquiry by bringing in images for two options. Even if there's something you're wrestling with, consider that there might be a juicier question.


We're using both hands in a freewriting round to open up new information. I recommend two watercolor pencils if you have them!

A thousand words

Let oracle style collage open up a whole new level of conversation...

Two Fold Answer

Where will the questions point?
Who speaks the answer?

Exploring Everyday Stories

Inquiry Twenty Five through Twenty Seven

All Day Every Day

Creating an Ordinary Talisman

Activating a New Story

The Tip Series

Inquiry Twenty Eight through Thirty




Synthesis Series

Inquiry Thirty One through Thirty Seven

Collage one of my favorite tools for getting new information.  Instead of forcing your preconceived visions onto the page, let's enter a dialogue with synchronicity.  Like a journey of active imagination or a modern day shamanic visioning - let the flip snip paste help you enter a state of curiosity and epiphany. 

This style of oracle collage is meant to be quick, easy and powerful.  Skip those visionary words and trite images and instead engage the muse of collage in the real questions of your life. I created this seven part series SYNTHESIS to highlight some of my favorite tips and tricks for applying Intentional Creativity® to the collaging process.

You'll need a stack of magazines for these 15 minute sessions. We'll claim your context, define the conversation, develop an action plan, then focus, decode and synthesis what has emerged. I'm going to share the way I use collage games to help you enter the flow state as well as some of my specific collage tips. 

There's nothing I want more than to revolutionize your collage practice.

NOTE The videos in this presentation include music, words and images. If you have the kind of brain that worries about missing out, many folks have found it helpful to watch through once with the images and another time reading the words.  Alternatively you can lean into the idea that you will see exactly what you are supposed to see! The "Rules" for each game are on the final screen - so you can pause the video there when you've watched. 

Alrighty?  Yahoo! Let's head to Collage One!

Collage One: Rules of the Game

Collage Two: Dynamic Dialogue

Collage Three: Course of Action

Collage Four: Heart of the Matter

Collage Five: Word Spelunking

Collage Six: Not So Secret Decoder

Collage Seven: Synthesis

Inquiry Thirty Eight: Ambiguous Losses

Above and Below and All Around

Inquiry Thirty Nine through Forty One




Terrain, Treasure Trial

Inquiry Forty Two through Forty Five

part one

part two

part three

part four

The Soul Is Thirsty

Inquiry Forty Six - Fifty One

the pitcher

the crow

Click here  to print the crow silhouette

give up!

four: formula

five: pour forth

six: carry on

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